As of Friday, Sept. 6, 2024, the Payette National Forest released the Final Environmental Impact Statement and Draft Record of Decision for the Stibnite Gold Project. The release of the draft record of decision initiates a 45-day objection period. Please click the link below to see the full documents.

If you commented at any point during the Stibnite Gold Project NEPA process you have standing to lodge an objection to the FEIS and/or Draft Record of Decision before October 21, 2024. Do not miss this important opportunity to ensure the Forest Service meaningfully considers your concerns with the proposed gold mine.

To view the Draft Record of Decision click on the folder titled "Decision," then download or view the "Draft Record of Decision.pdf."

To view the FEIS click on the folder titled "Analysis," then the folder titled "Final EIS." There are 6 downloadable/viewable files comprising the various sections of the FEIS. Appendix B is the "Response to Comments." This document provides responses to your comments submitted during the Supplemental Draft EIS comment period. It is a great resource for preparing an objection. To find your name and to see how the Forest Service addressed your comment, press command F on your keyboard. Then type in your name to search the document.

Just like comments, objections can be in letter form or they can be bullet points identifying your previous comment and stating the reasons why the FEIS failed to meaningfully address your concerns.

Objections are submitted through the "Comment/Object on Project" link on Payette National Forest Stibnite Gold Project webpage: